Death ParadeLast Theater 128 listeners 0:42
Remaining: 0:42
Death Parade Last Theater

Arijatan “Tenshi_x_Akuma” Moraes

Offline / Last online: 16 March 22:33

Active orders

No active orders
Location: Brazil, Sao Paulo
Date of Birth: Sep 23, 1991
Gender: Male


About myself: The

Last songs ordered

  1. Reol Chiru Chiru
  2. JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Il vento doro
  3. One Piece How You Remind Me
  4. Cowboy Bebop The Real Folk Blues
  5. Erementar Gerad Forever
  6. Fumetsu no Anata e PINK BLOOD
  7. EastNewSound Rainy Blue
  8. Kekkai Sensen Sugar Song and Bitter Step
  9. Vanitas no Karte 0
  10. Shugo Chara Rottara Rottara